The story of a lion and a Mouse

A Moral Story : The Lion and The Mouse

It was a hot summer day. Sun was shining bright up within the sky. A lion was sitting underneath the shade of a big tree and in a while got asleep. close that tree, there was a hole, within which there lived a mouse. once the lion was sleeping, the mouse came out of its hole and saw him asleep.

Unaware of the lion's strength, it got tickled by a thought. It thought of arousal the lion by running over his body only for fun.

Unfortunately, the lion taken it in his robust paw. The mouse pleaded for its life. Being generous naturally, the lion set it free. The mouse secure to assist the lion if it ever got the prospect. The lion laughed aloud at this. After all, however might a little mouse facilitate the king of the jungle?

A few days later, the mouse was passing through the jungle once he saw a similar lion cornered in a very hunter's internet. like a shot, it set to figure, gnawing at the ropes. terribly shortly the small mouse had ser the lion free.

Learn from the story : mercy never goes unrewarded.

picture source : flickr.

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