Best Investment strategies with high Returns

Best Investment strategies with high Returns

Hey hi friends welcome to koushik Investment Academy. Today here we are going to talk about some smart investment strategies. So this article I will explain you by sharing my personals experience with you. Today we are going to talk about Smart Investment Strategies.

Mr Phillipe Fisher who is a very renowned investor. So they had said some methods for investments so I will be talking to you related to that itself. First let's understand what are not the smart investment strategies. There are a lot of wrong perceptions in the market.

Investment Strategies and Portfolio Analysis

So what are those wrong perceptions we will talk about it here today. That why first let's see what are the wrong perceptions. many people think that smart investment strategy means it should be complicated.  I mean it should be such that it shouldn't be understood in a simple way. That there are something some strategies buy this sell this, do like this, hedge it in other way.

Then only you can earn a good profit so this is a wrong perception that. It should be complicated, no it should be simple that's what you need to focus on. The another wrong perception is that it is fast paced that. If you are a little late then your bus will be missed.

Investment Strategies by Age

This is felt by many people that it should be very quick. You should understand everything you need to be the first person to know something.

That's when you can earn money, and you are going to be a smart investor. I think this particular perception is also wrong it is very brutal we have seen it's a brutal competition. f u are out from this competition. Even for some time  you are completely out you cannot re enter.

Investment Strategies During Inflation

So this is a brutal competition, so you need to be ready each and every time. This is also a wrong perception if you want to be a smart investor.   If you want to follow smart investment strategy even this is a wrong perception. And many people think a perception that following smart investment strategy. It means you are going to get quick profit. So this is also wrong, there are nothing called quick profits in stock market.

If you are in such things then believe me over the longer horizon you are going to be unsuccessful. I am not at all doubting the traders who are successful. I think being a successful trader is the most difficult job compared to being a successful investor.

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