Story of Frog and Snake

Frog and Snake 
Short moral story: Fire of revenge

A long time ago, Gangdutt, the king of frogs, lived with his family and family in a well. Though Gangadatta was a good teacher and cared for everyone, he had a shortcoming, he could not bear his opposition at any cost.

But once a decision by Gangdutt was opposed by many frogs. Dangdut did not bear the fact that despite being a king, one can muster up the courage to oppose him. He started thinking of punishing them. But he feared that if he did so, the public would not oppose him and he would have to lose his handover from his state text.

Read: The Winning Frog

Then one day he thought something and quietly came out of the well in the dark of night.

Without losing time, he immediately reached the bill of a snake named Priyadarshan and started calling him.

Priyadarshan was very surprised to hear a frog calling like this. He came out and said, "Who are you? Don't you fear that I can eat you? "

Gangadatta said, "O serpent! I am Gangdutt, the king of frogs and I have come here to befriend you. "

"How can this happen. Can two natural enemies befriend each other? ”Priyadarshan said with surprise.

Gangadatta said, "You are right, you are our natural enemy. But at this time, I have come to your shelter after being humiliated by my own people, and it has been said in the scriptures - in the event of an apocalypse or to protect my life, it is only wise to accept the enemy's subjugation… Please take me in my refuge Take it. Help me by killing my enemies. "

Priyadarshan was now old, he thought in his mind that if this frog can fill my stomach, then what is the harm in this?

He said, "Tell me, how can I help you?"

Seeing the serpent getting ready for help, Gangdutt was pleased and said, "You have to walk with me to the well, and there I will have to kill and eat the frog I will bring to you." And once all my enemies are finished, you will come back to your bill and stay "

"But I will live in the well, how can I live comfortably in my bill?", Priyadarshan expressed concern.

Leave her worry, you are our guest, I have already made arrangements for your stay. But you have to give a promise before going there.

"That what?" Priyadarshan said.

"That you have to protect me, my family and my companions!", Said Gangadatta.

Priyadarshan said- "Be certain you have become my friend. Therefore, you should not have any kind of fear from me. I will eat frogs as you say. "

Dangdut, burning in the fire of revenge, started landing in the well with Priyadarshan.

There has been a bill just above the surface of the water, Priyadarshan entered the bill and Gangdutt quietly went to his place.

The next day Gangdutt called a meeting and said that there is good news for all of you, after a lot of effort, I have found a secret route through which we can get out of here and go to a big pond, and the rest of the life can be very comfortable. Can live But remember, the path is difficult and extremely narrow, so I can take only one frog at a time from it.

The next day Gangdutt went ahead with an enemy frog and took him to the snake's bill as planned.

While Priyadarshan was ready, he immediately made the frog his bite.

This program went on for the next several days and the day also came when Gangdutt's last enemy became the mouth of Priyadarshan's face.

Gangdutt's revenge was complete. He took a sigh of relief and thanked Priyadarshan, saying, "Sarparaj, with your support, all my enemies have ended today, I will remember this kind of your life for a lifetime, please go back to your home now."

Priyadarshan said in a sarcastic voice, "Which house friend? The house where the creature resides is its home. How can I go there now? By now, someone else may have taken control over it. I will be the same. "

"But ... You promised.", Dangdut muttered.

"Promise? What kind of word? The despicable person who murdered his own family today asks me for the account of my word! Hahaha!" Priyadarshan started laughing and laughing.

And on seeing it, he caught Gangdutt in his jaw. "

Today Gangdutt was realizing his mistake, not only his enemies were burnt in the fire of revenge… Today he was also burning himself.

Friends, forgiveness has always been credited with revenge. The desire for revenge corrupts the thoughts of a person, snatches away his peace of mind. It is a fire that does not burn anyone else or the feeling of revenge

The one sure does consume the possessor. Therefore, we should stay away from this evil. We should understand that everyone receives the fruits of his actions, if someone has done bad things to you, then let him give his fruits to God, do not burn yourself in the fire of revenge!

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