Good Morning Quotes/Message with Image.
wish your friend by message in the morning
Time and good friends
are two things that
become more valuable the
older you get.
are two things that
become more valuable the
older you get.
Be like sunshine
that gives life to other.
that gives life to other.
Have a Wonderful Morning.
Life is a journey
with problems to solve and
lessons to learn but most of all.....
Experiences to enjoy.
with problems to solve and
lessons to learn but most of all.....
Experiences to enjoy.
Life is like a mirror
It will smile at you
It you smile at it.
It will smile at you
It you smile at it.
Make positive thoughts and enjoy
every moment of this day.
every moment of this day.
A Bird sitting on a tree is
never afraid of the branch
breaking, because her
trust is not on the branch
but on it’s own wings.
Always believe
in yourself.
never afraid of the branch
breaking, because her
trust is not on the branch
but on it’s own wings.
Always believe
in yourself.
Memories are always special
Sometime we laugh by remembering
the days we Cried...
And sometime we cry by remembering
the days we laughed...
Sometime we laugh by remembering
the days we Cried...
And sometime we cry by remembering
the days we laughed...
That,s life...
enjoy Every moment of that...
Welcome to the new morning with
smile on your face
love in your Heart
Good thoughts in your mind
Wish you a lovely morning Always
smile on your face
love in your Heart
Good thoughts in your mind
Wish you a lovely morning Always
Every morning
and tell yourself
‘’i can do this”
and tell yourself
‘’i can do this”
Every day is a new beginning.
Take a deep breath, Smile
and start again.
Take a deep breath, Smile
and start again.
May god smile on you
and take good care
of you today.
and take good care
of you today.
wishing you
a blessed morning.
# May the sun always
shine in your life!
# Be sure to bring
a blessed morning.
# May the sun always
shine in your life!
# Be sure to bring
a smile with you!
# Give every day a chance
to become the most
beautiful of your life!
# You should always start
a new day with something Good!
Good smile, kind eyes,
kind thoughts, kind words ...
# Every new
day is another opportunity
to do something for God!
# Open your eyes and smile soon
The one who meets you in the mirror!
Get a little kinder today
Good luck often notices!
# Every morning
we are born again.
And what we will do today
will be of the greatest importance.
# Give every day a chance
to become the most
beautiful of your life!
# You should always start
a new day with something Good!
Good smile, kind eyes,
kind thoughts, kind words ...
# Every new
day is another opportunity
to do something for God!
# Open your eyes and smile soon
The one who meets you in the mirror!
Get a little kinder today
Good luck often notices!
# Every morning
we are born again.
And what we will do today
will be of the greatest importance.
Stop, stop, stop!
Where are you running to?
Wait a minute, I'll whisper
Where are you running to?
Wait a minute, I'll whisper
something in your ear!
Remember, you will have
Remember, you will have
a special day today!
Yes, yes - it is with you!
Yes, yes - it is with you!
You think that this is just
the next day of your Life.
This is not just another day:
this is the very only day
that was given to you today.
This is a gift.
And the only right response
is to feel gratitude.
# It doesn't matter
what yesterday was like.
It’s important
that today's
will be better ...
# Sunny morning is a time
of quiet joy....
This watch is not for haste,
not for fuss.
Morning is a time of unhurried,
deep, golden thoughts.
# Every day,
God sends us - along with the sun
the opportunity to change
everything that makes
us miserable. And every day
we try to pretend
that we do not notice
this opportunity.
# If each person began his day observing
how God's world is filled with life,
light and beauty, then hatred
and villainy would disappear in the world
there simply would not be a place
for them in the soul washed
by the sunrise.
# If you don’t know
why to get up in the morning,
get up for your dream.
And smile. For God's sake, smile
and everything will work out !!!
# Start life in the morning
in the hope
What today will be
even better than before!
# Every morning, when we wake up,
we have twenty-four completely
new hours for life. What a precious gift!
We have the potential to live this day in such a way that these twenty-four hours
bring peace, joy and happiness to us
and other people.
# Rejoice that you can wake up
every morning and live a new day.
Be happy that you are alive,
healthy, have friends, have the ability to
create and feel the joy of being.
# as you start the day, so spend it.
Meet the new day with a smile.
# May the shining morning
Only joy will bring
All things will be decided quickly
And luck will blossom!
Let all the problems disappear
Dreams will come true right away ...
Charms Emblem
This morning is you!
# Look for positive every morning
you will spend the day
on a fun motive!
And sometimes you wake up,
and everything is perfect ...
# The most important
thing is the mood
with which you enter
the new morning.
# Good morning friends!
I wish you all the very,
most magical,
happy and bright day.
# Wait for the new day like a little miracle
It will certainly bring good luck.
And remember; happiness is hiding
everywhere Just call - it will come!
# Good morning is a little joy!
When you wake up in the morning,
think that you have again received
the precious privilege of being alive -
breathing, thinking, to enjoy and love.
# For those who love solitude,
an early morning walk is the same
as a night walk, with the only
difference being that there is more joy
in nature in the morning.
# It is unbelievable happiness
to wake up in the morning,
having a whole day ahead,
a huge day full of
joys and worries.
# Every day,
when you get out of bed,
do not forget to wake up
your good mood ...
# Morning is such a special time of day when,
before hurrying somewhere thoroughly,
everyone wanders around the apartment
with a cup of coffee in their hands,
as if with a magic wand,
awakening to a new life ...
Let everything be fine!
# In the morning,
when the sun rises,
let it rise in you too.
Good Morning!
# Let's smile in the morning
and wait for change,
And believe that the rainbow
world will smile in return.
Let's forget about the pain
and resentment now,
So that the past in the future
no longer torment us...
# The future begins today.
This is a gift that is given
to us every morning.
# Every morning you are greeted by a day
that you have never been to.
Every morning, a world awaits you
that you have never seen.
Every morning, sounds rush towards you
that you have never heard.
You never knew this new world before
and now, you have the opportunity to know him,
but she’s only one ...
So don’t waste time, wake up!
# Do not put yesterday's
woeful memories into morning coffee ...
Add the sugar of today's joyful hopes!
# Open all the windows
Let peace and quiet enter your house.
Make coffee with thick foam,
Swirl with the wind, wash yourself with dew,
Ask good luck from the sun, go out the door,
Bringing happiness into the world!
# If every morning
you wake up
with the thought
that something good
will happen today,
it will.
the next day of your Life.
This is not just another day:
this is the very only day
that was given to you today.
This is a gift.
And the only right response
is to feel gratitude.
# It doesn't matter
what yesterday was like.
It’s important
that today's
will be better ...
# Sunny morning is a time
of quiet joy....
This watch is not for haste,
not for fuss.
Morning is a time of unhurried,
deep, golden thoughts.
# Every day,
God sends us - along with the sun
the opportunity to change
everything that makes
us miserable. And every day
we try to pretend
that we do not notice
this opportunity.
# If each person began his day observing
how God's world is filled with life,
light and beauty, then hatred
and villainy would disappear in the world
there simply would not be a place
for them in the soul washed
by the sunrise.
# If you don’t know
why to get up in the morning,
get up for your dream.
And smile. For God's sake, smile
and everything will work out !!!
# Start life in the morning
in the hope
What today will be
even better than before!
# Every morning, when we wake up,
we have twenty-four completely
new hours for life. What a precious gift!
We have the potential to live this day in such a way that these twenty-four hours
bring peace, joy and happiness to us
and other people.
# Rejoice that you can wake up
every morning and live a new day.
Be happy that you are alive,
healthy, have friends, have the ability to
create and feel the joy of being.
# as you start the day, so spend it.
Meet the new day with a smile.
# May the shining morning
Only joy will bring
All things will be decided quickly
And luck will blossom!
Let all the problems disappear
Dreams will come true right away ...
Charms Emblem
This morning is you!
# Look for positive every morning
you will spend the day
on a fun motive!
And sometimes you wake up,
and everything is perfect ...
# The most important
thing is the mood
with which you enter
the new morning.
# Good morning friends!
I wish you all the very,
most magical,
happy and bright day.
# Wait for the new day like a little miracle
It will certainly bring good luck.
And remember; happiness is hiding
everywhere Just call - it will come!
# Good morning is a little joy!
When you wake up in the morning,
think that you have again received
the precious privilege of being alive -
breathing, thinking, to enjoy and love.
# I want to wish you good morning!
Let the sun gently shine through the window,
May joy and happiness settle in the heart
And it will be infinitely light in the soul!
Let the sun gently shine through the window,
May joy and happiness settle in the heart
And it will be infinitely light in the soul!
# Good morning!
The gentle rays of the sun
On my cheek
Three pinches of tea
God, what else do you need ?
Sweet sippers!
Through a sleepy windowThe gentle rays of the sun
On my cheek
Three pinches of tea
God, what else do you need ?

an early morning walk is the same
as a night walk, with the only
difference being that there is more joy
in nature in the morning.
# A new day is another
opportunity to make
someone happy.
opportunity to make
someone happy.
# Overhead, the constellations blink.
And the hands themselves are drawn to the fire.
How scary it is for me that people
get used to opening their eyes,
do not be surprised at the day.
And the hands themselves are drawn to the fire.
How scary it is for me that people
get used to opening their eyes,
do not be surprised at the day.
# The most important thing is the mood
with which you enter the new morning.
with which you enter the new morning.
to wake up in the morning,
having a whole day ahead,
a huge day full of
joys and worries.
# Every day,
when you get out of bed,
do not forget to wake up
your good mood ...
# Morning is such a special time of day when,
before hurrying somewhere thoroughly,
everyone wanders around the apartment
with a cup of coffee in their hands,
as if with a magic wand,
awakening to a new life ...
Let everything be fine!
# In the morning,
when the sun rises,
let it rise in you too.
Good Morning!
# Let's smile in the morning
and wait for change,
And believe that the rainbow
world will smile in return.
Let's forget about the pain
and resentment now,
So that the past in the future
no longer torment us...
# The future begins today.
This is a gift that is given
to us every morning.
# Every morning you are greeted by a day
that you have never been to.
Every morning, a world awaits you
that you have never seen.
Every morning, sounds rush towards you
that you have never heard.
You never knew this new world before
and now, you have the opportunity to know him,
but she’s only one ...
So don’t waste time, wake up!
# Do not put yesterday's
woeful memories into morning coffee ...
Add the sugar of today's joyful hopes!
# Open all the windows
Let peace and quiet enter your house.
Make coffee with thick foam,
Swirl with the wind, wash yourself with dew,
Ask good luck from the sun, go out the door,
Bringing happiness into the world!
# If every morning
you wake up
with the thought
that something good
will happen today,
it will.