The milkman and his dream

Short moral Stories:  The milkman and his dream

Patty, a milkman, had just taken out the milk of his cow and now had two pots filled with fresh creamy milk. He hanged both the pitches on a block of wood and went out to sell milk in the market. While walking, she started thinking about the milk and the money from it.

He thought, 'I will buy poultry with the money I get from selling this milk'. "The hen will lay eggs and I will get more chickens from those eggs. All those chickens will lay eggs, and I can sell them for more money. Then I will buy a house on the hill and then all the villagers will envy me. They will tell me to sell my chicken business and I will bounce my head like this and refuse them. Saying so, Patty tossed her head and dropped both her milk pots, all the milk fell on the ground and Patty started crying.

Learn from the story:
Do not count your chickens before they hatch.

picture source : youtube channel 

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