No more money than education / moral story for kids

a king and three boys
The kids story of a king and three boys

One was the king. He loved animals and birds. They used to go to the forest to meet the animals and birds. As usual one day the king went to the forest to see the animals and birds. Suddenly there was a cloud in the sky and heavy rains started. They could not see anything properly due to rain. The king lost his way. Finding the way, the king somehow reached the edge of the forest. Restless with hunger and thirst, the king sat under a big tree. Then the king saw three children coming from there.

The king lovingly called them to him. Children come here Listen to me. All three children came to the king to laugh. Then the king said - I am very hungry and thirsty. Can I have food and water The boy said, we have a house nearby? We just go and bring food and water for you. You just wait a little bit. The three boys ran and brought food and water for the king. The king was very happy with the behavior of the children. He said, love children, you have eradicated my hunger and thirst. I want to give something to all three of you as a reward. Tell me what you boys want.

After thinking for a while a boy said, Lord, can you give me a big bungalow and a car. The king said, yes, why not. If you want this then you will definitely get it. Now the boy did not bloom. The second child also said while jumping, I am very poor. I want money So that I can eat well, wear nice clothes and have a lot of fun. The king said with a smile, okay son, I will give you a lot of money. Hearing this, the second child jumped with joy. Why should the third child remain silent? He also said, Lord. Will you fulfill my dream too The king said with a smile - Why not say, son, what is your dream. You also want wealth. No, Your Majesty. I do not want wealth. My dream is to study and become a scholar. Can you do something for me? The king was very happy to hear the third child. The king made proper arrangements for his reading and writing. He was a hard-working child. He studied diligently day and night and secured first place in the class. In this way, time passed. He became a scholar by reading and writing.
The king made him the minister of state. Due to being intelligent, everyone started respecting him. On the other hand, the boy who had asked the king for a bungalow and a car. Due to the sudden flood, everything flowed into the water. The second child also did no work after getting the money. I just spent a whole day flying money and having fun. But how long the money kept going? A time came when all his wealth was exhausted. He became poor again. Both the boys became depressed and went to meet their friend i.e. The ministers in the king's court. He sadly said to his friend, we made a huge mistake in seeking a reward from the king. Our wealth, bungalow, car, everything was ruined. We have nothing left now. The friend explained while explaining, no one always has wealth. The money keeps on coming. There is only education which is always with us. We become rich not with money, but by education. Both children regret their mistake. He decided that we too would study hard and diligently and make our lives happy.

Learn from the story : No more money than education

picture source : you tube

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