Collection of beautiful Merry Christmas greetings. The editors of the site collected the best options in poetry and prose, most of these wishes fit into a standard SMS message on a mobile phone. These Christmas greetings are suitable for formal gatherings, colleagues, friends and relatives.
When the snow covers the ground
And Christmas will come again
Raise a glass of happiness
For peace, for friendship, for love!
And so that without sorrow and doubt
Live you many bright days,
Preserve comfort, family peace
And the respect of friends!
The evening seems to breathe in magic ...
Happy holiday! Merry Christmas!
We all wait for a miracle on holy night
We ask heaven in life to help us.
Now the star of love is burning
He gives kindness to the world.
May it keep you all from evil and misfortune
God, love, warmth and wonderful light!
Merry Christmas! The star is already lit
That the magi announced this,
So that love spills the world
For faith to gain strength.
To hear the good news
In every house where there is a living soul!
Be happy that there is a God in the world!
Merry Christmas, dear, congratulations!
Congratulations, accept
On a bright Christmas holiday.
Give your loved ones a present
A sea of light and heat.
Giving back, we once
We get everything a hundred times.
May everyone be happy
And rich in grace!
Let the Christmas tree
Decorates the house and garden.
And there aren’t needles on the branches,
Packs of dollars are hanging!
Christmas a little kinder
It will become a gloomy world, abandoning all affairs.
Become more affable, softer and lighter
It was as if a fairy tale had blossomed outside the window.
Let ice and snowstorms melt in your heart.
Let frost draw miracles in the windows.
You only need to believe in happiness tonight -
Christmas will come true dream come true.
Christmas ... The softly falling snow, the smell of candles and Christmas trees, Christmas tunes and long starry nights ... The Universe froze with admiration, for the Savior came, and the world was filled with joy and light. This radiance is unquenchable.
For a wonderful Christmas holiday that makes us all better and cleaner!
Holiday is bright, Christmas,
Knocking on your house again Take it
And meet with the cake.
We wish you to live happily
In my heart to have peace
Let it be beautiful in the house
So that wealth was great.
Let the consent be in the house,
May love live in the family
May the Lord not forget
Help always gives you.
In January, the numbers of the seventh,
For a long time, from year to year
Christmas holiday
Celebrates our people.
Let there be a lot of fun
The house will be a full bowl
And let the soul believe in God.
Merry Christmas!
Adults do not believe in miracles
They don’t believe in magic,
Yet let it be at your door
A fairy tale will enter Christmas.
Let the garland sparkle
Fatigue and sadness disappear
And the best will happen to you
Let your dreams come true.
Merry Christmas to you,
May the holiday be fun
Let sadness melt like snow
And love will come to your home.
It will become all warm, comfortable,
All will forgive each other,
And what was hard before
Together they will implement it.
On a wonderful Christmas day
I wish you magic
To make white snow fall
That work was a success.
So that the house has plenty
To make honey sweet
And without bitter impurities.
So that you rejoice more often
I wish you today.
Merry Christmas to you!
The day Christ was born -
Great and holy day
God's son was born
Under a wonderful star.
I wish you happiness and prosperity
Pay for good with good,
May the wishes come true
Merry Christmas!
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Sparks of pure pristine snow
And in a winter fairy tale invites you and me.
May everyone be happy
Who celebrates Christmas with us
Who awaits a miracle on Christmas night
When the star shines over Bethlehem
Everything that is dead, evil will evaporate away
And the world around will be magical and beautiful!
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May nothing to us on this holiday
Do not spoil the celebration!
So raise the glasses
For Christ's Day!
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Christmas came to us today
And we will raise the glass again,
So that happiness does not forget us.
For Christmas and for love!
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I wish you on Christmas,
To visit magic more often:
Wonderful evening, fabulous success,
And so that everything would be enough for everyone.
Let the star lead you through life
Let there be tons of happiness in reserve,
May the feast be plentiful
And may this world be full of goodness.
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May Christmas bring you
What is most important to everyone is
Giving you love
Good luck, health
May life be full,
May the birthday of Christ
Fate smiles at you
May everything succeed!
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Congratulations on Christmas.
May a miracle happen in your life,
May joy, inspiration and goodness
They will be able to settle in your house.
Let hope, faith, warmth
You never leave you in life
Let any dream come true
I sincerely wish you the best!
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May Christmas morning
There will be a fabulous dawn:
Will meet snow mother of pearl
And give the sun light.
And let it be sincere
Glorious Christmas evening
Let the beautiful wake up
Thoughts, feelings and words.
A Christmas tree
Let him bring comfort to the house.
May everyone close to him for a long time,
Peacefully, joyfully live.
********************************** *
A holiday came to us, bright and magical,
A wonderful day is the seventh of January.
Let's live in peace of mind,
Giving your support to your neighbor.
May all that you dream come true come true
And our happiness will not leave the house.
We were waiting for this holiday, like a fairy tale.
Love, warmth, health! Merry Christmas!
********************************** *
Magical Christmas night
Snowflakes are spinning - and they have fun.
Christ was born, we praise him,
Congratulations are heard from Christmas Eve.
I wish you well now
Love, heat, divine light,
And so that spring always blossoms in the soul,
And the colors of summer were added to it.
********************************** *

I want to raise a glass for Christmas!
For the miracles that came down to earth
For waiting, for what I believe
This night is magic.
Because I still believe in love,
No matter how naive it sounds.
For being together inextricably
And parting to meet again.
Like it or not, this is magic.
So let's drink for what is so priceless!
I want to raise my glass without fail
For faith, for love, for Christmas!
********************************** *
Light candles
On a wonderful holy evening!
We are meeting Christmas -
Life is a bright celebration!
Merry Christmas to all,
We wish peace and love!
********************************** *
May Christmas come to our house
So that happiness settles in him
With bright joy, excitement
We are waiting for the day of the Lord’s birth.
May Christ bless
For a life without grief and resentment.
May the bright holiday be with us
Will give happiness and peace.
********************************** *
Merry Christmas! Have fun people!
Let good come to your house, let it be joyful!
Set the table soon, decorate the Christmas tree,
Invite friends to the house, generously treat!
May the hopes and dreams suddenly come true!
On the glorious feast of Christmas, it’s a sin not to roam!
Congratulations, I sincerely wish you all happiness!
Catch up, I'm already pouring a glass!
********************************** *
The great feast has come again;
Everywhere fun, feasts, triumph ...
Recall the word that told us
The one who's celebrating Christmas now:
“May everyone always be merciful
To the weak, orphans, wretched, sick!
What he has will share with the poor
And he will call him his brother! ”
So, show, friends, participation:
Many will meet Christmas in need!
Good deed is great happiness.
This is a holy celebration of the soul!
********************************** *
Miracles and the sea of magic
To you on Christmas Day!
Let the soul rush up
From the happiness of the great.
The family has peace, comfort,
Love burns in hearts
And every angel in the sky
Joy sends you!
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What to wish you on Christmas Day?
So that there are no sorrows, sorrows and troubles,
So that the children are happy, healthy,
And let it be so for many, many years!
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Christmas is the day Jesus Christ entered the world with love. This is the day of forgiveness, bright feelings, the day when love triumphs. May the guns shut up on this holiday and not a single rocket rises into the air, except for the fireworks! And may love for our near and distant enter our hearts! Merry Christmas!
********************************** *
Here comes Christmas again -
Forces of heaven triumph:
On this day, Christ has come,
To save our world from evil.
Eternal glory to Him
Conquering the darkness.
Congratulations with all my heart
With this great joy.
********************************** *
Christmas has come to us today!
And we will raise the glass again,
So that happiness doesn’t forget us,
For Christmas and for love!
********************************** *
On this bright day in January
I want to wish you
Kindness, fun, happiness,
Never lose heart
Believe in bright hopes
Fulfill your dreams.
To Christian souls
There was no emptiness
To be filled with happiness
Home, and heart, and soul,
So that your life would be
Indescribably good.
********************************** *
Welcome the guests!
Open the doors wider!
Christmas has come!
We start the celebration!
********************************** *
My toast for Christmas! For God's grace to visit us, so that there are no problems, troubles and contentions! Raise your glasses for the bright holiday of Christmas!
********************************** *
Let quietly, imperceptibly
Magic comes into the house
New Year's Fairy Light
And miracles for Christmas!
Stars of radiant shine
Warm words and kindness!
May wishes come true
All happy dreams!
********************************** *
Congratulations on a wonderful holiday,
With him come joy and goodness.
Let poetry sound and songs pour
May Christmas be happy!
Let the sorrows go away without a trace
All paths will be correct.
I wish you peace and prosperity,
Mental strength, faith and love!
********************************** *
Merry Christmas!
Let the house be rich.
All health and good luck,
Personal happiness in addition.
Do not be sick, live a century,
And cherish love.
********************************** *
Christmas day
Gathers families together.
In a moment of wonderful triumph
There is no place for deception and flattery.
I wish you joyful smiles
Goodness and joy to your home,
A bright life without errors
May all sorrows become a dream.
********************************** *
Today is Christ's birthday!
Good news is coming across the planet.
Wish this Christmas holiday
Consent and joy without edge.
Appreciate every moment and every hour,
Let the soul be filled with praise!
May happiness pour on you
And the heart is healed by love!
********************************** *
Christmas stands on the doorstep like a guest
Pleasant chores, snowy January.
I wish you that life is dear
They led only to success and only to the distance.
Forget today melancholy and bad weather
May Christmas bring you kindness.
Love you, patience, great happiness!
Comfort, all the best and more warmth!
********************************** *
Let the snow spin outside the window
Lying down everywhere.
Merry Christmas to you,
We wish to believe in a miracle.
Do not lose your hopes
To the dream of finding a way
Do not remember evil, be able to forgive,
Appreciate the fate of the lessons.
********************************** *
May the bright holiday of Christmas
Give you a feeling of peace
May the good power of magic
Save from misery, grief.
May this day and this year
Pass in good and peace
Without quarrels, sorrows and adversities,
And it will always be so from now on!
********************************** *
What you wish for today
On a wonderful Christmas holiday?
So that every day, like New Year's,
Was the foretaste of triumph.
So that a life of error forgives you,
So that love blooms in my heart
Eyes like stars shone
And smile again and again!
********************************** *
Merry Christmas! Let this magical holiday fill your life with light, warmth, joy and prosperity. I wish you peace, kindness, love, family comfort. May the Guardian Angel protect from all troubles and tribulations!
********************************** *

When the star in the sky shines
When everyone wishes Merry Christmas
Let your house be blessed
Let everything be filled with good in him!
May Christmas get better, cleaner
Health and prosperity will come to the house.
Star of hope with radiant light
All the good today will bring you!
********************************** *
Merry Christmas Congratulations.
I wish you health, joy and happiness
God bless you from an evil tongue and every disease,
From a cunning enemy and a petty friend.
To live in your house hope, faith and love,
And with them lived peace!
********************************** *
Snowflakes swirl in the air
Bells are ringing everywhere!
May the holiday bring a lot of happiness
Health, joy, warmth! Merry Christmas!
********************************** *
Christmas is a fabulous hour
After all, his atmosphere is magical.
His music makes us happy
And the gifts are wonderful, priceless.
May Christmas give you
Permanent, eternal happiness
So that you are always lucky in life
So that there is a place for passion in the soul!
********************************** *
Fields and roads are covered in snow
The forest, like a wizard, is smart and strict.
Traveler's track in the snow is lonely,
Sleep bewitched the last leaf.
For many centuries people have been celebrating a holiday,
The image of the Lord is glorified by the whole world.
May your life always shine
This wonderful Christmas light!
********************************** *
I wish you out of heaven
Grace descended upon you that day!
And so you always have time for loved ones
And you didn’t have to scold anyone all year.
Well, also (not yet finished drinking)
You allow me to present my toast:
I wish you a year that will come true,
Do not survive with difficulty
And with joy to live!
********************************** *
On a beautiful Christmas night
Drive sorrows and anxieties away
Let everything be covered with snow outside the window -
Your home will warm with warmth
Filling the heart with love, joy
You open the door for a miracle soon
May cherished dreams come true
Everything will be just as you want!
********************************** *
The Savior was born, the Christ was born,
He brought us deliverance and faith.
Let the holiday enter a bright little star in the house.
With a magical, wonderful Christmas to you all!
Let them spill from the open skies
With shining light streams of miracles
And everyone will break a piece of paradise.
Merry Christmas to all, all right now!
********************************** *
When the earth was wrapped with snow-white snow, and the New Year’s mood fills the souls with an invisible expectation of fabulous miracles, I want to congratulate you on the upcoming holidays. Let the hearts be filled with happiness, the fire of love always burns in the soul, and comfort reigns in the house, peace and prosperity. Merry Christmas! Make your wishes sooner, because in such a wonderful time they simply must come true!
********************************** *
Merry Christmas to you,
I wish you grace!
May our Savior Christ
Peace and goodness brought.
Let him show mercy
He will release and forgive sins.
Hope, faith will give us
He will reward us with love.
********************************** *
May on a quiet Christmas night
Illumination will come to all people.
May it drive evil out of souls
And kindness in our hearts will descend to us.
Let's live as Christ said:
To love one another, not to cunning, not to lie,
In order not to shed combustible tears,
And receive grace from faith.
********************************** *
The snow is spinning quietly above the ground
Angels bring the good news:
Christmas is knocking on the house,
With him, happiness and love will come!
Congratulations on a magical holiday,
I wish you peace and good.
Let your home be cozy, bright
And open joyful news!
********************************** *
The star of good and magic was lit -
Merry Christmas.
May God protect and help people,
Let the starlight in the soul not fade away
Let the house be full of happiness and wealth.
Love, health, peace! Merry Christmas!
********************************** *
Here comes Christmas again -
Forces of heaven triumph:
On this day, Christ has come,
To save our world from evil.
Eternal glory to Him
Conquering the darkness.
Congratulations with all my heart
With this great joy!
********************************** *
A star shines in the sky
Light the candles.
Merry Christmas to you
On this wonderful evening.
********************************** *
Happiness, peace, prosperity,
Joy to you new.
May the wishes come true.
Merry Christmas!
********************************** *
A star lit up ... Christ was born,
And the world lit up with love!
May happiness enter every home!
Merry Christmas!
********************************** *
May on a bright holiday, on Christmas,
The magic surrounds you
Hearts will beat joyfully
And happiness will be endless.
Kutia on the festive table
Cahors sparkles in crystal.
Today our Christ was born,
And the world immediately changed.
I wish you strength and patience,
Goodness, love, blessings.
May the star shine in the sky for you
And your path illuminates with light.
********************************** *
When Christmas stars shine in the night sky, and a fluffy snow sheet shines with thousands of sparkles, let an angel descend into each house and with one flap of the wing light a fire of family comfort, which will fill the hearts with pleasant warmth, peace and tranquility. I wish Christmas night to give a beautiful fairy tale to everyone who believes in a miracle. Happy holiday!
********************************** *
We wish you Christmas miracles
And a bright mood in your heart.
And peaceful thoughts, like a winter forest,
And to be with your loved ones always yours together.
Let your stars lead you too
As the star of the Magi brought to the baby.
Let warmth and light await you.
And enjoy life as if children!
********************************** *
I sincerely wish you on Christmas
To all the good that is in this world,
You’ve definitely come to your house today,
May the Lord notice your desires!
May this bright holiday forever
It will save you from sorrows and worries!
Let the guiding star be lucky
My friend, he’ll bring you soon!
********************************** *
Let Christmas Present
Confidence and Strength
And the world will be around you
Smiling and sweet.
Let the sky lights
Accompany everywhere
And they will always be kind
To you dear people!
May there be joy and sorrow
Passes by,
And happiness, friendship and love
Will stay with you!
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